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Morning Motivation – Week of December 24, 2018

As you know, I love to start the week with some words of wisdom:

How much of what you know you’re “supposed to do” are you actually doing? Where are your paths of resistance? What do you still think is “for the kids?”

People aren’t seeing most of what you offer. You’re sharing sometimes, but not enough. You’re creating marketing and messaging, but often it’s “same as” and getting lost in the weeds. And it gets worse…

Here are the facts:

  • No one has much of an attention span
  • The stream of life moves far too fast
  • Most people are NOT reading much
  • All business needs media attention
  • Your brand needs constant expression
  • Branding today is an all-encompassing packaging effect around the work you do FOR others

Branding is designed to aide with memory, with recognition, with a sense of tribalism built around an experience, of a service or product. The people who think it doesn’t matter are the ones who are forgotten or ignored.

So, what can you do to stand apart from the crowd? That’s another message for another week, so make sure to watch for my next message.

I hope that you had a great holiday!


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Set Yourself Up for Success in the New Year

The start of a new year is a great time to evaluate your life. Looking at where you are and determining where you want to be in the future (both personally and professionally) is the first step in setting and achieving your goals!

Choosing a Goal

Do you have something in mind that you want to achieve this year? There are several common personal goals that people set, including eating healthier, exercising more, spending less (or saving more) money, learning a new skill, etc. In addition, some people like to set professional goals, like focusing more on networking, reading more business books, getting a certification, or getting a raise or promotion.

Which of these resonate with you? Don’t overstretch yourself by choosing too many goals, pick the one or two that you want to focus on this year, and save the rest for another time. If you need help choosing a goal for the year, talk to a close friend or mentor about what they think you can do to be a better person (only if you have thick enough skin to handle some criticism, though!)

Defining Success

Choosing a goal for the year is a great first step, but you need to make sure that your resolution is well-defined so that you have a clear finish line to work toward. Take a few minutes and make your resolutions into a SMART goal. Remember, the acronym “SMART” says that your goals should be Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Realistic, and Time-bound. So, instead of “lose weight” try “lose __ pounds by December 31 by exercising twice a week and eating less calories.”

Making a Timeline

Once you have a well-defined goal, you should make a timeline of the steps needed to reach your goal. You have a whole year, so spread out the tasks and give yourself plenty of wiggle room. Monthly mini goals would be a good place to start so that you can measure your progress and make sure that you stay on track.

Holding Yourself Accountable

Accountability is an important trait to have if you’re going to achieve the goals that you set. It is so easy to make excuses, but you’re not going to! Instead, use some of these tricks from the list of 8 Habits of Highly Accountable People:

  • Take responsibility for your tasks.
  • Don’t make excuses or blame others if things aren’t going according to plan.
  • Be on time with your mini-goals.
  • Control your own fate with proper planning.
  • Own your feelings and don’t let a bad day (or week or month) derail you.
  • Manage expectations and adjust goals and timelines as needed.
  • Collaborate with others and make the most of all your available resources.
  • Don’t expect praise – satisfaction should come with a job well done.

Which of these habits will you employ to help you with your 2019 New Year’s resolution? We especially like the tip to collaborate with others. Here at Vargas and Vargas Insurance Agency, we have lots of community referral partners that help us achieve our goals.

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In addition, having a friend or loved one that knows about your goal and that has been asked to periodically follow up on your process is a proven accountability technique that helps many people achieve their goals year-round. There are even accountability and goal tracking apps for iPhones and Android phones that will help to keep you honest about whether you are on track and can even add in a financial component to motivate you – automatically transferring money to a person or charity when you don’t meet your goals.

Celebrating Wins

The saying may state that “A job well done is its own reward,” but sometimes you need a little extra motivation to complete your goals or achieve your resolutions. Everyone has their own unique set of rewards that will motivate them, the trick is to decide ahead of time what you will do for yourself and at what point. If you know that you are close to hitting one of your small milestones, you may push yourself in order to earn your reward.

Ask yourself: What would motivate me to work harder toward achieving my goals? Maybe it’s buying something for yourself, some ‘me-time’ or time with the family, or a food treat. Find what motivates you and use it to your advantage.

So, are you ready to make 2019 your best year yet?

Can Vargas and Vargas Insurance Agency help you reach your goals in 2019? Whether you need a referral to a local professional or you want help making sure that you are financially sound in the year to come, all you need to do is call our agency at 617-298-0655 for assistance with your insurance policies. We are always excited to be able to help our neighbors!

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Morning Motivation – Week of December 17, 2018

Are you getting your week off to a good start, friend?

I have a question for you – Do you ever feel like you’re not good enough to do something?

In my message last week, I told you all about how I was encouraged by the state of the independent insurance industry as I was at an IOA conference that I attended recently. At that conference, I also spoke on using video in business.

I told the whole room full of people during my speech that their excuses as to why they weren’t making videos were dumb. I said, “You’re worried that you’re fat. I am fat, and I am definitely not the handsomest guy in the world. You may worry that you are too old, but I am old. The truth is, you are. You’re fat. You’re ugly. You’re old, face these facts and make videos anyway.”

It got laughs. SOME of the people that laughed probably thought, ‘Carlos just called me out on my BS and he’s right. I’ll make a video.’ Other people laughed in that nervous way that showed they were worried I was looking into them.

Here is the point: Sometimes you’re a loser. So what? I am… Still. After all these years. And then I’m a winner. And then I’m too fat. And then sometimes I get the bug to get fit again (feel like it just bitten me again on this last trip to hit the gym).

If I tell you how often to send an email out, great. If you ask me about the mechanics of podcasting, wonderful. But who cares what you’re doing as long as your audience perceives it as valuable?

Here is a hint: no one cares if you’re successful as much as they care that you’re helping them solve a problem in their lives. I mean, they want you to win, want you to be okay, etc. But if you’re connecting with people for your business, it’s not like they’re losing sleep over you.

In all cases, the stories I’ll remember most were the ones where someone was real with me. People who were willing to be vulnerable made me want to reach back and help.

But the ones who I asked how they were doing and they responded “great” and “busy” – not so much!

Thank you for reading!


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Morning Motivation – Week of December 10, 2018

Did you know that collaboration is one of my favorite activities?

As I mentioned in my earlier posts, I talked about how I was in Michigan speaking at an IAO (independent agency owners) convention. While I was there, I met some amazing young insurance agency owners that give me a great feeling that my industry is not on its deathbed, but that with these rock star owners we may even grow market share!

I got to hang out with these 3 amazing IAO’s – Jason Verlinde from Michigan, Nicholas Ayers from California, and Brandon Smith from Montana. These guys are REAL, they made me love the insurance business even more seeing them in outside their comfort zone, they are so genuinely happy and show it. I spent most of return day doing some one-on-ones with these agents. I came away with some ideas for our business and now that I am waiting for the plane to head back to Boston, I thought that I would put my thoughts to paper.

I started thinking about how many lies I read online about how the independent insurance agency system is broken and that companies like Amazon and Lemonade are coming for us… but I have been hearing these lies for years.

It all started with GEICO, then Google tried selling insurance, but they forget that many consumers still rely on independent insurance agents to shop around for them for the right coverage at the right price. GEICO is still around (although Google got out of the insurance game). GEICO loses almost as much business each year as they write due to their lack of service, or by trying to put aftermarket parts on brand new automobile.

It’s amazing how many times I shook a hand or hugged someone and the person did not ask questions about any insurance-related topics, like:

  • How to make their system better
  • How I have survived 39 years as an IAO and still LOVE every day
  • How they can improve retention, how to connect with today’s consumers and increase sales
  • How the generosity leads to reciprocity system works
  • What is the best way to be part of their communities

You see, part of what I spoke about at the convention was not being a “secret cell.” Instead, I talked about the importance of getting out of the office, rolling up your sleeves and giving back to your local community. As business owners, it is so easy to give our money to worthy causes, but that is only half of it, we always skip the most important part, which is showing up and helping out. That is where the magic happens – when people meet you and start to know you. Then, when they have a need for insurance you are top of mind because of the interactions you have had in the past.

I’m not saying you need to be out there 24/7, but how can we give thousands of dollars to local worthwhile charities and not show up at any of the events? When you’re surrounded by the people that you are helping with your donation, it’s an automatic connection, right? Those connections are a critical part of running a successful independent insurance agency!

Next week, I will continue to talk about my experiences at the IOA convention, so stay tuned for more information that I hope will help you in your business.


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Morning Motivation – Week of December 3, 2018

Can you believe that it is December already? I feel like this year has just barely begun! Let’s start this month of festivity off with some words of wisdom:

Did you read my post last week about using your hands during presentations? This week, I have another point to make along those same lines.

If we have ever been in the same space, you know that I am a “handshaker” and “hugger” and when I shake someone’s hand I will often tap them on the elbow to show my warmth to them. When I do this with my wife present, however, she always warns me that not everyone likes to be touched, Do you mind it if someone you know touches you on the elbow as they shake your hand and say hello?

Now let me ask you this – when you speak to a group of people, are you an anchorperson or a weatherperson?

Let me explain… when we speak, we have a choice between being an “anchorperson” or “weatherperson.”  As we all know from watching the news, an anchorperson sits stock still at a desk, rarely using their hands, while weatherpersons wave their hands and arms about broadly to indicate weather patterns on a map. If you are reading this post it is highly unlikely that you are in sales, are an entrepreneur or solopreneur, that you were auditioned for your position, or that you were hired because of your skills. If instead you were hired on the basis of the personality you presented during your interview and vetting process, then that personality was your natural style and you should stick with it.

Next week I plan to talk about the status of the insurance industry, and how it’s not on its deathbed like some people would have us believe. It’s going to be a good one, so don’t miss it!


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Morning Motivation – Week of November 26, 2018

Hello friendsI hope that you had a great weekend and Thanksgiving holiday and that you are ready for an amazing week! Did you enjoy reading my email last week about my ongoing Daily Video project?

You know that I LOVE to start each week with some positive words, and this week’s are:

It’s funny, I read the above quote the week before I was one of the speakers at an independent insurance agents meeting in Michigan, and it sent shivers up my spine.  I practiced my 45 minute presentation for almost a week, and guess what? I still went off script!

Here is something else that I was thinking about before my presentation as I was watching the two speakers on stage after me using their hands to describe their presentation: Many of us talk with our hands, right?

Some people have the tendency to be really dramatic and use their hands to describe in detail what they are saying, and some people don’t use their hands at all. Which camp are you in?

When presenting, I often ask myself “What should I do with my hands?” I have been cautioned against choreography; I’ve seen some presenters attempt to illustrate their talk with specific gestures and wind up tying themselves into knots, or worse, looking weird and fake. I have found that I use my hands and arms how I would naturally, to illustrate what I am saying, it feels natural to me and takes the extra pressure off of me while I am up on stage. I do try to extend my hands and arms periodically, trying to bridge the gap between the audience and me, as AT&T used to say “Reach Out” with your hand in handshake position.

As you watch presentations, do you ever notice how a speaker is using their hands, and whether it’s adding to or detracting from their presentation? I would love to know!

Until next week,


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Morning Motivation – Week of November 19, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving, friends!

Are you ready for another one of my famous motivational quotes?

If you happened to catch my post from last week about giving a keynote speech to a mastermind group of plumbers, A/C, and heating specialists here in Boston, you will know that giving presentations used to be way out of my comfort zone. Pushing limits seems to be a theme of this year (and of my life in general). Here is another example of how I am constantly testing my own limits:

What seems like a long time ago, I was double dared by one of the professionals that I have been coaching. She said “Instead of posting a daily inspirational quote, do it in video form!” She told me she dared me to do daily videos for one year.

Well, I never stand down from a challenge, never mind a double dare, so I started shooting a daily positive affirmations on March 6th, and am currently over 200 days toward my goal. You can watch all of them here.  

I have learned from this new daily routine that I have become really great at video editing (check out my first few videos compared to the more recent ones) and that I LOVE my daily routine of finding a subject and then shooting a video. I usually start the process around 6AM and it’s a great way to begin my day in a positive manner and keep it positive.

Have a self-kind and FANTASTIC week ahead! And make sure you check your inbox next Monday to hear about a question that I had during my latest presentation to a group of independent insurance agents.


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Morning Motivation – Week of November 12, 2018

Happy Monday again, friends!

When was the last time you did something new or challenged yourself? That is the theme of the day, as we start with this week’s motivational quote:

I went WAY outside my comfort zone last month – I was the keynote speaker at a mastermind group of plumbers, A/C and heating folks from around the country that met in Boston. You can watch the video here, if you like.  If you knew me 5 years ago, you would say “That’s not Carlos! He does one-on-ones well, but in a group or even standing up in front of a group, no way. He will never do it.”  Well, after hundreds of presentation to real estate, mortgage and closing attorneys over the past 5 or 6 years, I stood up in front of this huge group and talked about community marketing and getting freedom in business while the telephone rings with quality people who want to use their business. I also talked about how these people could spend more time doing what they want to do with the people that they love. (Do you want the same thing?)

The presentation went well (as you can see at the end of the video), and the high that I walked away with after the presentation lasted into the next day. When I walked into the house my wife Kathy asked how my presentation went, then she said “I see how you are, you must have done well!” She said the next day, “You should do more of these, you are still floating on air.” For the last couple of years I have lived for presentations!

As I talked about in my message last week, like when we learn how to ride a bike, play a new video game, or try a new marketing technique, you need to do it over and over and over again to master it. The more you can do that “new thing” to make it into a habit, the more it will truly stick and become a natural part of your life. When you try something, give it (and yourself) a fair chance. For example, say you want to try taking just one small step forward toward overcoming procrastination. If that is your goal, use you new trick each day for at least a week in school or at work before you evaluate whether it will work for you.

Thinking, hoping and expecting that positive results will come quicker than may be possible can hold you back from making real progress.

The question now is: In what aspects of your life do you want to improve? Stay tuned for my email next week to read about a challenge that I have been taking on in my life.


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Morning Motivation – Week of November 5, 2018

I hope that you had a great weekend! Did you like my last motivational series about how to gain Freedom in your business?

As you know, I start every week with some positive words of wisdom and today’s are:

Today I’d like to share one mistake I used to make (especially when I first got started in sales and marketing). It was a mistake that held me back quite a bit from making progress and that dragged my self-esteem down.

That mistake was that I often tried something – like a personal development strategy or tip – once, twice or just a few times. I thought that would be enough to see results. I have since learned that this is not the case. These tips are not a light switch you can just hit once and then your life is different. Instead, i have learned that it often takes a whole bunch of tries. You may need to work on it for months (or even years!) to get something to work and start seeing results.

When it comes to trying something new, don’t be distressed if the road ahead seems tough. Resist the urge to lower your self-esteem and beat yourself up because something isn’t working for you and it works for others. You could start thinking that there must be something wrong with you when it works for so many other people in the world. Don’t continue on that downward spiral of being down on yourself. There’s nothing wrong with you! Just give what you’re trying out (and yourself) a bit more time.


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Morning Motivation – Week of October 29, 2018

Ready for this week’s words of wisdom? Here you go!

For the last several weeks, I have emailed you to discuss the steps that you can take to gain Freedom in your business. For a reminder of my tips, click here.

To recap, here are the three steps to freedom:

  1. Release yourself of tasks you don’t like doing
  2. Release yourself of tasks you don’t know how to do
  3. Release yourself of tasks you feel you shouldn’t be doing

To succeed:

  • Have desire
  • Overcome self-doubt
  • Push out of comfort zone
  • Learn and apply Pareto’s Law
  • Get help by hiring an assistant

Have you been implementing any of my advice into your daily routine? I would love to hear how it has been working for you!

If you need help getting started and want to see how you can do this in your business, let’s set up a strategy session so that I can answer any questions you may have and see if I can help your design your own roadmap.

To do so, click here:

Look out for my email next week, when I will start my next Monday Morning email series all about how to try new things and push your personal limits in order to grow.


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