Vargas & Vargas Insurance

1133 Washington St
Dorchester, MA 02124

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Guide: Starting a Small Business in Massachusetts

Have you ever thought to yourself, “I should start a business!” Most people have, but very few actually take the required steps to establish a small business. If you’re thinking about becoming an entrepreneur in the state of Massachusetts, here are a few of the first steps that you should take on your journey:

  1. Have a plan – You can’t jump into something like starting a business without a detailed plan. There are plenty of resources online that will help you create a business plan, whether you’re looking to do business online or start with a brick-and-mortar business.
  2. Get Assistance – If it’s your first time starting a business, the path ahead may seem muddled or confusing. Get help from someone that has done it before – they will help create a plan of action to get your business up and running.
  3. Register and Get a License – Depending on how you will be doing business, you will need the proper permits and licenses from the state of Massachusetts before you can open. This web page will help you understand what you will need, and how to obtain it. Some businesses will also be required to submit annual updates to the state.

If you’re looking for someone to help you on your journey, just let me know! I have aided many Massachusetts small business owners in their journey to success, and you may be able to benefit from my assistance. And also remember, Vargas and Vargas Insurance Agency is here to serve you in all of your commercial insurance needs.

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How Much Life Insurance Do You Need?

It’s easy to talk about home insurance and car insurance, but life insurance can sometimes be a touchy subject. No one wants to think about what would happen if and when they die, but the insurance coverage that you can get from a Massachusetts life insurance policy is a vital part of ensuring that your loved ones are protected.

When calculating your life insurance needs, there are several factors to consider. Often, people will make sure that there is enough coverage for funeral and end-of-life expenses. In addition, you should consider including coverage to make up for your income, as well as other services you provide for the outcome (including childcare). You may also want to include extra benefits to cover college expenses for children, or for an end-of-life gift to your favorite charity.

It is also important to remember to update your life insurance policy as your needs change. Often, an annual life insurance review is enough to ensure that you are always prepared. If it’s been a while since you talked to your agent about your life insurance, you may want to call for a quick chat about what has changed in your life.

If you want your life insurance policy evaluated by a Massachusetts life insurance professional, just call Vargas and Vargas Insurance Agency at 617-298-0655. We can assess your needs and make sure that your policy will cover your loved ones in your worst-case scenario. We can also help you understand the difference between term life insurance and whole life insurance, and in which scenarios each of these policies is useful. Don’t put off talking about your life insurance needs – call us today.

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The Top 3 Summer Insurance Claims

Here at Vargas and Vargas Insurance Agency, we want to make sure that your valuables stay safe. That’s why we are constantly offering blogs with safety tips for our customers. And if something does go wrong, our top of the line insurance policies will help you get back to normal quickly. If you’re interested, here is a short list of some of the most common insurance claims that we see in the summer time:

  • Car Accidents – Sure, these accidents happen all year round, but in the summer more people are on the road, whether they’re going to enjoy a day at the park or going on a road trip. This increased traffic leads to an increase in auto insurance claims.
  • BBQ Fires – When the weather warms up, so do the grills! Barbequing is a great way to get family and friends together to enjoy the outdoors, but can be a hazard if the proper safety procedures aren’t followed.
  • Burglaries and Break-ins – Summer is a great time to go on vacation. Unfortunately, burglars know this, and that’s why crimes like these are more common in June, July, and August. Prevent a break-in by following these safety tips. You should also check to make sure that your home insurance is ready for a claim – just in case.

For more information on how to avoid claims like the ones listed above, make sure that you check our blogs regularly. And if you’re interested in getting a Massachusetts insurance quote, just call 617-298-0655 to speak to one of our friendly and knowledgeable agents.

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Space Saving Tips for Your Home or Apartment


When you’re looking to live in Boston, you can find it all – minimalistic or ornate, compact or spacious. If you are living somewhere more compact and need to make the most of the space you have, here are a few tools that you can use to increase your storage:

Curtain Rods

Thinking of a curtain rod probably evokes images of window treatments and shower liners. But there are so many more uses for these versatile objects! Use a small tension rod in your under-the-sink cabinet for spray bottle storage. A longer tension rod can create a dust ruffle on some beds, leaving room for under-the-bed storage. Ribbons spools can be threaded onto a rod for a gift-wrapping station during the holidays. The possibilities are endless!

Extra Shelves

When you’re short on space, never miss an opportunity for a shelf. And get creative with where you place extra shelves – bookshelves in the den or living area are good, but putting small shelves in your cabinets will take your storage game to the next level!

Furniture with Storage

Nowadays, there are nearly limitless options for furniture that include storage. Inside the ottoman is a great place for blankets and pillows, under-the-bed storage would be perfect for all those clothes that aren’t in season. And don’t forget about over-the-toilet cabinets for toiletries and more.

To make sure that all of the items that you store are protected, call Vargas and Vargas Insurance Agency at 617-298-0655 for a renter’s insurance or home insurance quote.

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Hurricane Season 2017 is Here!

The 2017 hurricane season in the Atlantic will run from June 1 until November 30. Estimates for the upcoming season are already beginning to surface, and they aren’t mild – is currently predicting a total of 14 named storms, including seven hurricanes, three of which will be major. This is right in line with the 2016 season, which had 15 named storms, 7 hurricanes (4 major).

Do you know what your home insurance policy will cover if a hurricane causes damage? While every policy is different, most offer protection for damage caused by heavy rain, wind, and hail. In addition, your home insurance may offer coverage if your home is severely damaged resulting in your need to seek shelter elsewhere – this is often called ‘loss of use.’

One important thing to note is that your home insurance probably doesn’t include coverage for damage due to floods – that is covered by a separate flood insurance policy. Since hurricanes and flooding often go hand in hand, flood insurance is something you might want to consider adding to your insurance portfolio in order to ensure complete protection.

Let’s talk numbers: in total, the 2016 storms caused over $16 Billion in damage. It’s not unheard of for a hurricane to affect us here in Massachusetts, so make sure that your belongings are protected. This includes your home, car, and more. To get a complete car and home insurance evaluation before the first threat forms, call Vargas and Vargas Insurance Agency at 617-298-0655.

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Insuring a Vacant or Unoccupied Home


In today’s world, more and more properties are vacant or unoccupied. This happened for many different reasons, including dividing time between a primary residence and vacation home, leaving a property while it is being renovated or is on the market to be sold, a rental property being between tenants, and more.

Vacant and unoccupied properties present a risk to insurance providers – whether the unit in question is a home, apartment, or condominium. Vacant and unoccupied properties can attract vandals and thieves, and accidents are more likely to occur and have serious repercussions. Just consider this scenario – you leave your home unoccupied while you are on an extended vacation and a pipe bursts. The damage is likely to be substantial because there is no one in residence to notice and remedy the issue. This makes it easy to see why insurance companies have limits and provisions for these situations.

Oftentimes, a short trip away from your home is not enough for it to be considered vacant. Most insurance providers will require a place of residence to be unoccupied for 30 consecutive days before they begin to drop coverage.

Many insurance policies contain a vacancy provision. Two similar terms—vacant and unoccupied—have specific meanings in the language of insurance and are specifically defined in some policies. A vacant building contains little or no furniture or other personal property.


If you are planning on leaving your home, apartment, or condo vacant or unoccupied in the future, call your local insurance agent to ask about how to make sure that you stay covered by your Massachusetts insurance policy. Depending on your insurance provider, you may only need to pay a small fee to ensure that your current protection continues. In other cases, you may be required to purchase a special policy tailored specifically to a vacant or unoccupied property. For more information, call Vargas and Vargas Insurance Agency at 617-298-0655 today.

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How to Save an Extra $1k a Year

What would you do if you had an extra thousand dollars at the end of the year? Would you save more, or buy something that you’ve been wanting? Maybe you’re overdue for a vacation? Regardless, it may sound like a lot, but one thousand dollars a year is less than $20 a week! It’s $19.23, to be exact. And if you follow just a few of these tips, you will find that saving that much (or more) isn’t only possible, it’s easy!

  • Lower grocery shopping cost. Two things will help bring down your bill: stick to a list, and buy generic when possible. This will make sure that you limit impulse buys, and buying store brands can save over 25%!
  • Seek out free entertainment. When you’re looking for something to do, you don’t always have to spend money to have fun. There are always free events being hosted in the Greater Boston Area, and your local library is a wonderful place to go to rent a book or movie for free.
  • Pay off your credit cards. How much are you paying each month in credit card interest alone? Bringing down the outstanding balance on your credit cards may not be easy, but the potential savings can be significant. If you’re having trouble cutting costs, consider speaking with a financial planner for help and advice.

Another terrific way to save money each year is to talk to Vargas and Vargas Insurance. We can help you review your insurance coverage and search for adjustments and discounts that could lower your premiums. Just a quick call to 617-298-0655 is all it takes to start the process, so don’t put it off any longer – call now!

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Building Permits for Residential Renovations

They say that the only constant in life is change, and I tend to agree. If you’re in the mood for a change in your life, why not make an improvement to your home? A home renovation can be a great way to improve the value of your house, as well as give you a fresh new take on your living space.

If you want to make a modification to your home, you will probably need a permit. The types of projects that almost always require a permit include, but are not limited to:

  • Electrical Updates
  • Changes to sewer or plumbing
  • Mechanical Improvements
  • Alterations to the roofline
  • Adding a fireplace

Things that sometimes require a permit include building a deck, replacing siding, and building a fence. Just remember – it is always worth checking with the proper parties before taking on a project that may require a permit, even for small projects that probably don’t need one. After all, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Remember – while getting a permit for your renovation may seem like an unnecessary obstacle, it is a requirement to keep everyone safe. Ensuring that building improvements are up to code means that new structures and changes to existing structures follow the current laws and regulations.

It’s also important to let your Massachusetts insurance agent know about any changes you plan to make to your home, so that your home insurance policy may be updated accordingly. Your home insurance policy covers your home for the replacement cost of your home and not the market value.  So as you do improvements or increase the living space of your home, your insurance agent should be kept current of the changes. And remember – keeping things up to code, and installing safety features, will keep your insurance premiums low!

Vargas & Vargas Insurance is always here to help answer any questions you may have.

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Safety Tips for Massachusetts Small Businesses

As a business owner, safety should be your number one priority. To make sure that you always have your safety in mind, here are a few tips that you can use to protect your business, your assets, and your employees:

  • Businesses should be well lit to avoid both prying eyes during non-business hours, and to avoid customers having an accident due to poorly lit areas.
  • Store all important business documents in a safe place. This might include a safe deposit box, or a bolted down safe – just make sure that the place you choose is waterproof, fireproof, and safe from burglars.
  • You can’t be at your business 24/7, but it’s easy to keep an eye on things whenever you want with a security system that includes surveillance cameras.
  • Your employees may have ideas for how to make your workplace safer. Ask for their ideas and implement changes based on their suggestions.
  • Keep emergency plans simple, and keep emergency supplies convenient. These supplies should include the fire extinguisher, first aid kit, and emergency contact list.
  • If your business requires the use of vehicles, make sure that they are serviced regularly, and that they have a great commercial auto insurance

While it is crucial to do everything that you can to protect your business, there is always the chance that something could happen. To make sure that your business can bounce back quickly from an event like a flood, fire, break-in, or another peril, call 617-298-0655 to talk to a Vargas and Vargas Insurance agent about your business insurance policies.

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Three Reasons Why You Need Renters Insurance

You would never drive a car without auto insurance, and you should never rent an apartment or a home without the proper renters insurance policy. Here are three reasons why you and your loved ones that rent their living space should make sure that they are always covered by a Massachusetts renters insurance policy:

1. You shouldn’t rely on your landlord for coverage.

Some people believe that their landlord’s insurance will cover them. While it is true that landlords do have insurance, it is a special type of policy that only covers their belongings – typically the structure of the building and any appliances that they own and lend out with the unit (like ovens and refrigerators).

2. Your belongings are probably more valuable than you think.

It’s easy to think at first that your belongings aren’t all that valuable, but think again! If there was a fire, for example, and you lost everything, you would probably spend hundreds of dollars replacing just your clothing – let alone your furniture and electronics.

3. It’s about more than just your possessions.

Renters insurance provides many types of protection. It will cover the replacement cost of your stuff, as discussed above, but it will also cover you for accidents that could occur. For example, most policies will provide coverage if you break a neighbor’s furniture, or if someone sustains an injury tripping on an unsecured rug in your apartment.

If you want to speak to a knowledgeable Massachusetts insurance agent about getting a renters insurance quote, just call 617-298-0655. And at Vargas and Vargas Insurance Agency, we also offer special insurance for people in condos and townhomes. Don’t go unprotected any longer – call our agency for a free insurance quote today.

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