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Never Pay For These Items with Cash

We buy so many things today, that it’s easy to just pay for something without thinking of the payment method you use. While it typically doesn’t matter how you choose to pay for an item, there is a small list of things that you should never pay for with cash. Here is a list of a few of the items that you should pay for without use of bills, and a short explanation for why:

Never pay for these items with cash

Rental Cars

Did you know that credit cards offer a variety of benefits when you use them to book a rental car? In fact, in most cases, your credit card will offer insurance for your rental, allowing you to decline the additional insurance offered to you at the rental counter. They will even sometimes offer free roadside assistance. You may also be covered by your Massachusetts auto or home insurance policies – just call our office for more information.

Plane Tickets

As with rental cars, paying for plane tickets with a credit card has its benefits. These depend on the credit card company that you use, but could include baggage loss protection, free airport lounge access, emergency translation assistance, and more. These are all perks that you wouldn’t be eligible for if you paid cash for your tickets!

Medical Expenses

When it comes time to do your taxes, you may need records of all of your medical expenditures to qualify for certain tax breaks. If you paid your medical bills in cash, you may be out of luck. However, if you used a card, you will have a statement to prove when you incurred expenses, as well as how much you paid.

Donations to Charity

Another record that you will need to have when it’s time to file your taxes is the amount that you spent on charitable donations so that you can properly deduct your charitable donations. As with medical expenses, having the expenses documented on your credit or debit account will make things easier – which is something we all desire when taxes are involved!


Did you know that credit cards typically offer extended warranty protection? This means that you will be protected if your appliances break for a while even after the manufacturer’s warranty expires – just call your credit card company and explain your situation – they may be able to offer you a full refund. This added protection is only something that you can get on items that you pay for with your card, though!

A House

Some people are under the impression that ‘the bigger the down payment, the better.’ While it’s true that a bigger down payment will decrease your monthly mortgage payment, your money could be better spent elsewhere. It turns out that paying a smaller down payment and investing the rest of your money in the stock market will typically result in better returns for your money. Talk to a financial planner to learn more.

If you need any more tips about buying a home, feel free to visit Vargas and Vargas Insurance’s sister site, First Time Home Buyer Tools. There, we blog about all sorts of tips and tricks that you can use when buying a home – including making sure that you don’t pay in cash! Also remember that when you buy a home, Vargas and Vargas Insurance Agency is the first stop that you should make for your Massachusetts home insurance policy – just call 617-298-0655.

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