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Green & Lean Coffee Beans?


Everyone from the ABC News to Dr. Oz is talking about this new “magical” supplement. Green coffee beans are basically unroasted coffee beans that are ground up and used in dietary powders, or made into an extract both of which are sold on the open market as health supplements.

The excitement surrounding green coffee bean extract comes from a recent study by the University of Pennsylvania that revealed that participants given green bean coffee extract lost an average of 17 pounds, and a 16Þcrease in their body fat. Researchers also found participants were able to lose weight, even despite the fact that they did little exercise, and ate more than normal. The participants of the study consumed on average about 2,400calories daily and in their exercise routines burned roughly 400 calories.

Apparently, coffee beans have a lot of chlorogenic acid, a compound that is known to help boost the body’s metabolic function. Once the beans were roasted the concentration of chlorogenic acid dissipates. Scientists also speculate green coffee bean extract may assist the liver to halt the absorption of fat. This not only aids in weight loss, but also reduces cholesterol, lowers blood pressure, and improving circulation.

As is the promise of all these benefits is not enough, that participants have no reported side effects. Thus, the “Green Lean Coffee Beans” have become a hot topic of discussion.  

So, next time you walk into your local coffee shop…you’ll have to consider if want your coffee Hot, Iced, or Green?

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