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Are You Making These Laundry Mistakes?

Are You Making These Laundry Mistakes?

In your home, does it seem like there is an endless parade of dirty clothes, sheets, towels, and other laundry through your wash room? The first key to being more efficient is to make sure that your laundry room is properly organized. Get help with your household organization from our sister blog, First Time Home Buyer Tools – there you can find a blog all about how to best organize your laundry room for more efficient cleaning, even on a busy schedule.

To keep all of your things (and your washer and dryer) in great shape for years to come, make sure that you avoid these laundry mistakes:

Using the wrong detergent.

Depending on the type of washing machine that you have, you may need a specific type of detergent, like that made for High Efficiency (HE) washers. Also ensure that you’re using the right amount of detergent when you wash. It turns out that using more detergent than you need isn’t only a waste of money, you’re also probably causing your clothes to wear out more quickly – so always use the provided cup and pay attention to the fill lines, and don’t just ‘eyeball’ your detergent pours.

Overfilling the machine.

If you’re looking for efficiency in your laundry routine, overfilling your machine is actually anti-productive. It may seem like adding more to your loads means less laundry, but you’re actually reducing the cleaning power of your machine, and your clothes will suffer for it. When in doubt, make sure that your machine is loaded so that the items inside have plenty of room to move around and agitate so they can get clean.

Ignoring the care instructions.

Anything that you purchase will have instructions on how to best care for it – don’t think you can just get away with sorting by color and calling it a day. For example, many denim items need to be washed inside out, and only certain items made of wool can be machine washed and dried. You may also want to wash small items (like socks and intimates) in zippered mesh bags so that they don’t get tangled or lost in the wash.

Overlooking household cleaning solutions.

Not all laundry problems need expensive solutions. In some cases, you can overcome difficulties with items that you already have around your home. For example, vinegar is a natural deodorizer, and can be helpful in getting sweaty smells out of your gym clothes. Also, a paste of baking soda and water is as good of a stain remover as many of the products that you will find in your local supermarket.

Also remember to follow the proper safety procedures when doing laundry – clean your dryer’s lint trap after each load to avoid house fire, and have the proper home insurance just in case of an emergency. For a premier Massachusetts home insurance policy, call Vargas and Vargas Insurance Agency at 617-298-0655. After all, you never want to be stuck in a sticky situation without help, and Vargas and Vargas Insurance is a local insurance agency that’s always in your corner.

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