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“When The Leader Lacks Confidence”

As people, we sometimes find ourselves in situations that leave us feeling uncomfortable and uneasy. As business people, leaders, entrepreneurs, and solopreneurs, that’s pretty much a constant.

Being scared is part of being alive. Accept it. Walk through it.
-Robin Sharma

You know what I mean, it could be something positive—maybe speaking to a large crowd, launching a new product, or meeting with an important client.

It could be something negative—a confrontational meeting, an unexpected call, or an ambush instead of an actual sale.

In my experience, as a business person and leader, the day is filled with a mix of both the positive and negative. And, if you’re like me, sometimes we don’t always feel up to either.

Challenges are a constant, but confidence is not. It comes and goes. It ebbs and flows, but we have to learn from both and become better at dealing with our uncomfortable zone.

I experience the greatest doubt and anxiety at the start of something new and big. Whether it’s good or bad, I’m usually fine once I’m going. But until then, I’m like the person on the tip of a black diamond ski slope, overlooking way too much white powder.

Here’s the problem: If you’re a leader, going back isn’t optional. You have to go—and you have to go first.

So, how can we kick fear to the curb long enough to get off the slopes? For me, it comes down to connecting with three critical truths. And I think these can help anyone facing a moment of doubt or uncertainty.

Truth No. 1: They Matter

Whoever you’re dealing with, whatever their circumstances, they matter. This is non-negotiable for gaining confidence. Why? Because it draws us out of ourselves and our own concerns and doubts.

Truth No. 2: It Matters

Not only do others matter, but so do our solutions. As business people and leaders, our job is to meet needs. We could also say—just as easily and accurately—our job is to show how our offer meets our client’s needs.

Truth No. 3: I Matter

Frankly, this truth might be the hardest for some of us to believe. The people you’re dealing with matter. And yes, you know what best addresses their situation, even if it’s bad news.

You have to believe in yourself. Let these thoughts fill your mind and  see how they sound:

  • I am not here by accident. God sent me. To this person (or people or company). At exactly this time.
  • What I have to share is vitally important. It matters, to them, to their loved ones, and to the world.
  • I have all the resources I need to make a positive difference in this situation.

Go ahead and jump!.

This is not going to solve all your problems. You’ll still have the uncomfortable meeting and the angry clients. But who cares?

QUESTION: What big move, positive or negative are you dreading right now? I would love to know, leave a comment below.

That’s it for this week!

Now, go out and DOMINATE your week!


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How Podcasts Saved My Life

Did I grab your attention with my headline?


When I say that podcasts saved my life, what I mean is that listening to podcasts has made my daily workout much more enjoyable. Here’s my story – a few years ago I was in a funk. I did not like the size that I was approaching (I am 5’5” and at my heaviest, I weighed more than 200 pounds), PLUS I was always exhausted. I love food, and socializing, so what was I supposed to do?

During Lent of 2015 my son challenged me. Matthew said, “Dad, I challenge to give up for lent  you to stop your daily glasses of wine at lunch and dinner, and add daily exercise into your day.” I accepted the challenge. While it was not hard to stop the wine drinking, I found it difficult to get daily exercise. After all, I have always found exercise boring, and I could only listen to so much music… so I  started listening to podcasts!

Do you listen to podcasts? If you don’t, I challenge you to do so! Whether you are an entrepreneur, solopreneur, or someone who just wants a little bit of self-improvement, you can get so much value from listening to podcasts (I even started a podcast, more on that later). Check out my ‘Top 10’ list below for some inspiration if you are new to the podcasting world.
Here are my top 10 podcasts:

Do you make it a point to get the recommended amount of exercise each week? According to the American Heart Association, the average person needs about 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise each week. In addition to aiding weight loss and heart health, exercise provides these invisible benefits:

  • Higher Pain Tolerance – Did you know that athletes have a higher tolerance for pain than sedentary people? This means that they are also less affected by day-to-day annoyances and stress.
  • Better Eating Habits – After a workout, people are less likely to crave high-calorie foods. This means that people that exercise are less likely to reach for junk food! It’s a win-win!
  • Less Stress and Anxiety – Exercise causes the release of GABA in the brain, which has been shown to quiet brain activity and minimizes anxiety. This means that spending a few minutes at the gym each day could make you a happier person, especially when you consider the endorphin rush you also get when working out!
  • Improved Immune System – In addition to lessening your chances of heart disease and diabetes, regular exercise has been proven to decrease the likelihood of contracting common illnesses like colds and flus.

How do you like to exercise? Hit reply now, I would love to know. Some people prefer zoning out on a treadmill, others (like me) prefer going out on nature walks in the community… thankfully, your body will appreciate the activity no matter how you chose to work out. So don’t wait any longer – get moving! And make sure that you let me know if you have any questions about health or health insurance policies

That’s it for this week!

Now, go out and DOMINATE your week!

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